The Laboratory

Nefi High Power Laboratory is connected to the national grid with a maximum power of 250 MVA. By means of two test transformers (T1 and T2), electrical equipments can be tested at voltages from 250 V up to 36 kV, and up to 100 kArms (limited to 250 MVA). The test circuits are arranged very flexible, so changing between different tests are done in a fast and easy way. The Laboratory is operating as an independent laboratory on an international level with membership to SATS Certification (STL).

High-Voltage 50 Hz testing

NEFI is equipped for 50 Hz dielectric testing. The equipment consists of two seperate power-frequency voltage sources, each at 100 kV.

High-speed camera

The laboratory is equipped with a high-speed camera. It is then possible to order high-speed filming as an extra service.
After high-speed recording it is possible to observe details that cannot be captured by normal cameraes.


– 1000 fps, up to resolution 1024*1024

– Higher speed at lower resolution.

The workshop

The Laboratory has a well equipped workshop.

The workshop is used mainly for preparation for tests, but can also offer different services during testing.

High-Volt High speed camera High power workshop